I Prayed! NOW WHAT?


Wow... What did I just do? That’s the question I asked myself when I made the same decision that you just did to receive Christ. Chances are you’re probably asking yourself the same question or something similar at this very moment, “What have I done... What just happened... And What does this all mean?”


Well, it’s been a few years since I made my decision, and I’m continually learning by God‘s grace. I’d like to pass along a few things I’ve learned to help you along your journey. Things that are going to assist you and an understanding of what you’ve just done. 

Let’s talk about what you haven’t done. Becoming a Christian isn’t a shortcut through life‘s problems. Some people make the mistake of thinking that Christianity is a cure all for all of life‘s woes. But, as you will discover, pain and trials are part of the Christian’s life just like anyone else’s.

Secondly, here is what you have done. You have responded to God’s call to enter into and experience a relationship with him. This is a relationship where you’re completely and unconditionally loved and accepted. It will change every aspect of your life. 

Please understand you are not exempt from life’s trials, but God is now with you and for you through it all. Your relationship also means you enjoy access to His wisdom and strength to overcome any challenge you may face. 

So, what did I just do? You made a decision to surrender your life and place it in Christ hands. He will be by your side through every set of circumstances you may encounter. Jesus is with you, for you, till the end of this life and He will carry you into eternity.

Excited to share this journey with you, 


God has a plan for you


And here we go ... you have just made a decision that will change your entire perception of life forever. The Bible describes it as passing from darkness into light. You have been adopted into a family, the family of God. God is no longer a nonrelated creator but a divine heavenly Father. As your Father he has a plan for your life. He tells us this in Jeramiah 29:11. Just as a new born baby is brought into the world and relies upon a parent for nourishment to grow, such is the case with your spiritual birth-you need spiritual nourishment. As you take time to do the four things listed in this section, God’s plan for you will begin to unfold. Congratulations on the best decision of your life.

1 BIBLE STUDY: Getting to Know God

The Bible says in 1Peter 2:2, “…as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.” How would you feel if you had not eaten anything for three days? You would feel like passing out! It is the same principle with spiritual nourishment. When you go three days without reading the Bible and spending time with Jesus, you are spiritually starving. But when you spend time each day with Jesus, you will be spiritually satisfied. Ask yourself each night before you close your eyes to sleep, “Did I learn something new about Jesus today? What promise did Jesus reveal to me today? How have I become more like Jesus today?” If you cannot answer any one of these questions, don’t close your eyes until you can.

Scripture to Read:

2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 1:1-3 (extra credit), Psalm 119:9-16 (extra credit)

2 PRAYER: Talking to God

PRAYER is the biblical word for “talking” to God. Prayer is communication between you (a child of God) and you heavenly Father (God). Prayer does not have to be in the King James English for God to understand you (“Father, thou hast madest me a blessed man.”) No, God created you and the way you are, and He wants to spend time communicating with His child (you). Go ahead, thank Him for the beautiful day. Ask Him for guidance in the difficult circumstance you are in. Most important of all, ask Him to give you strength and wisdom to live a life that is pleasing to Him. As you open your Bible to read each day, ask Jesus to open your eyes and your heart to what His Spirit will say to you.

Scripture to Read:

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, Philippians 4:6-7, Luke 18:1, Psalm 34:1-8 (extra credit)

3 Community: Connecting with Believers

The Bible calls it Fellowship and it’s more than just hanging out with other Christians. In Acts 2:42 we read: “They joined with other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer”.(NLT) “Devoted” refers to concentrating on a particular pursuit with zeal and loyalty, always with spiritual significance. Connecting with each other in this way is the only possible when we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is about a relationship, not just social activities. We share and partake in all things through Christ, His salvation, His sufferings, and His purpose for us on earth.

Scriptures to Read:

Acts 2:42-47, Philippians 2:1-4, Ephesians 5:19-21, 1John 1:5-7, Hebrews 10:24-25

4 Telling Others about your Faith in Jesus

When you begin to live your life according to just the first two steps, you will be noticeably different. Those who know you will be able to see the change in your life. Sharing your faith, is just telling others what Jesus has done to bring about change. Jesus says in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Tell others about your faith in Jesus and what He has done in your life. Then give them the same opportunity you were given to live for eternity with Jesus Christ in heaven.

Scriptures to Read:

Acts 1:8, Matthew 5:14-16, Ephesians 6:19, Acts 4:13-21, Acts 10:42-43


If you have found a message of hope in Jesus, we want to know your story! Tell us how you came to know Christ and the change He has made in your life.